

Mrs. Zigelman helped ground me and unlock my true passions at a time when I felt the gravitational pull of a thousand different choices and career paths. With her expert guidance, the college process flew by painlessly. I felt comfortable calling or visiting Mrs. Zigelman's office at all hours of the day for advice or simply to talk through the concerns I had at a given moment. She shared in my joys and struggles as if they were hers. It felt as if I had a steady partner during an experience that can be equal parts exciting, overwhelming and frightening. I highly recommend Mrs. Zigelman to anyone looking for a coach!

Mrs. Zigelman changed my life with her open mind and empathy. As a high school student, I was very lost in many ways. I struggled with traditional academics compared to my classmates which ultimately damaged my confidence and created an uncertainty of what I would be good enough to do once my schooling days would end. I felt not good enough because I was unable to meet certain standards. Mrs. Zigelman showed me there is a different way that does not have to be "traditional" and that it was okay to write my own path. She did so by taking the time to get to know me on a deeper level by focusing on the details of my wants and needs as a student but also as a person. I felt deeply cared for and her guidance led me to make some of the best decisions of my life. Mrs. Zigelman's impact on my life is undeniable and I am forever grateful.

Ms. Zigelman leaves a smile on the face of everyone she interacts with. Ms. Zigelman’s sincere care and attention for each and every student remains clear in my mind. She is the first to put her own to-do list aside in order to rededicate that time to her students. I look back so fondly on our time together and thank her for helping me find my voice as the successful, confident woman I am today. -Kara

Ms. Zigelman has a special way of bringing the best out of her students. She does this in a way that is relationship-driven, where she has a unique way of making any student comfortable in their own skin, recognizing the special characteristics and qualities that make them who they are. (This is no small feat, especially for high school students). When I reflect back on my time as an advisee of Ms. Zigelman, I remember how she always sought what was best for her students, gently pushing them to be the best versions of themselves. Given the natural angst that arises with the college process, Ms. Zigelman had an uncanny way of settling nerves and exuding an infectious calm. No college essay was ever too long for another revision. No question was ever too small. Her office door always seemed perpetually open to all her students.

I had big ambitions and plans for the future—to be in international business. I was so fortunate to have Reena in my corner. She was the advocate, strategist, and sounding board that I needed to launch those plans. Her coaching style is both uplifting and supportive paired with the right balance of realism and pragmatism. While the work was my own, looking back as a global marketing manager, I credit Reena with being the coach I needed to jumpstart my journey.


I had the pleasure of having Mrs. Zigelman as my college guidance counselor. Going into the process, I was nervous, confused and probably a bit over-confident. Mrs. Zigelman told it to me straight. She helped me understand, in her frank but kind way, that I needed to set a higher academic bar for myself toward the end of high school if I wanted to be accepted at my target universities. She helped me lay out a very clear plan for reaching my college admissions goals and made me feel supported along the way. I feel very fortunate to have had her compassion and smarts at such a critical time in my life.

Ms. Zigelman was a supportive and caring presence during my high school years. She invested time and effort in getting to know me so that she could better advise me on the best steps forward tailored to my academics and personality.  I know that my experience was not unique, as Ms. Zigelman truly cares about the wellbeing of her students and provides thoughtful and wise guidance to enable her students to succeed.

She is a rare and precious find, the kind of employee who gives 110% every moment of every day. By example she challenges her peers to work both harder and smarter. Beloved by our students she guides them through the learning process with a gentle touch, encouraging them to be thorough and to present the best of themselves. She models professionalism and integrity. Often, students who are struggling with difficult issues seek her guidance and find both comfort and compassion in the confines of her office. What has most impressed me is her commitment to each and every student. She listens attentively, problem solves effectively, and provides students with the support, guidance, and strategies that help them to strive in an academic setting. I recommend her with supreme enthusiasm; her work is consistently of the highest caliber.
-Jean, colleague