Is Academic Coaching Right for You?
My mission is to help you become a more confident student.
Do you find yourself:
Overwhelmed when studying?
Stressed and unsure where to begin?
Using the same study techniques without seeing the results you would like?
Studying for extended periods without knowing when you have studied enough?
Hoping to enjoy learning more?
Do you want to learn how to:
Become a more effective and efficient learner?
Procrastinate less?
Determine when you have studied enough?
Take more effective notes and better retain information?
Manage your time better?
Adapt to a learning difference? A twice exceptional diagnosis?
Advocate for yourself?
Is ADHD Coaching Right for You?
We will partner to create systems that align with your needs. I would like to help you:
Identify your goals and achieve them
Develop your executive functions including: task initiation, planning, improving focus, completing assignments, organization and time management
Utilize tools, strategies, and systems to promote success - academically, socially, and emotionally
Create comfortable and achievable accountability measures
Transition to high school, college, graduate school, or a job
Enhance your coping skills, improve relationships, and become more independent