Is Academic Coaching Right for You?

My mission is to help you become a more confident student.


Do you find yourself:

  • Overwhelmed when studying?

  • Procrastinating?

  • Stressed and unsure where to begin?

  • Using the same study techniques without seeing the results you would like?

  • Studying for extended periods without knowing when you have studied enough?

  • Hoping to enjoy learning more?

Do you want to learn how to:

  • Become a more effective and efficient learner?

  • Procrastinate less?

  • Determine when you have studied enough?

  • Take more effective notes and better retain information?

  • Manage your time better?

  • Adapt to a learning difference? A twice exceptional diagnosis?

  • Advocate for yourself?

Is ADHD Coaching Right for You?

We will partner to create systems that align with your needs. I would like to help you:

  • Identify your goals and achieve them

  • Develop your executive functions including: task initiation, planning, improving focus, completing assignments, organization and time management

  • Utilize tools, strategies, and systems to promote success - academically, socially, and emotionally

  • Create comfortable and achievable accountability measures

  • Transition to high school, college, graduate school, or a job

  • Enhance your coping skills, improve relationships, and become more independent